q       If you have not taken SAT or ACT�s register for them immediately.

q       Review senior schedule, to insure they meet graduation requirements.

q       Check announcements or the Guidance Webpages for college visits and fairs.

q       Download college applications or check with the guidance office.

q       Begin first drafts of college essay. (Check college handbook for suggestions)

q       Reduce preliminary list of colleges to final 8.

q       Meet with your counselor to review admission requirements and application process and deadlines.

q       Check announcements and your school e-mail for scholarship opportunities.

q       Utilize college catalogs, videos and other resources in the guidance office.

q       Finalize your extra curricular activities and community service hours and record on activity sheet.

q       Request recommendations from teachers, counselor or community members.

q       Work Hard-Senior year is not to be blown off.  College admission�s office will be closely reviewing your work for the first semester.

q       Utilize the spreadsheet in this guide or create a calendar to help organize yourself with meeting deadlines for applications and scholarships.



q       Review your transcript with your counselor.

q       Attend College representative meetings.

q       Ask for recommendations from teachers, counselors and community members.

q       Complete college applications and review with parent or counselor.

q       Further develop essays for your applications.

q       Complete your activity sheet and hand it in if you have not.



q       Attend campus open houses.

q       Find out exactly what forms, test results and so forth, are necessary to apply to all colleges in which you are interested. Make final preparations and or corrections to applications.

q       Make sure all recommendations have been turned in or sent out.

q       All applications should be reviewed for deadlines and all students should try to send out applications (especially SUNY applications) by the end of the month. Reminder, all applications need to be reviewed by the guidance office before being sent, if you are applying online be sure to contact the guidance office so we can be sure to send a official transcript. The guidance office needs applications handed in at least two weeks prior to deadline. 

q       If you are applying for  �early decision� or �Early Action�, you must submit the application NOW.

q       November SAT and ACT dates.



q       Check all application deadlines and complete all applications for admission, if you have not already.

q       Try to meet with former students home from college.

q       Continue to check guidance office for scholarship opportunities and/or online using financial aid sites in college handbook and/or on your e-mail account.

q       Attend the Financial Aid Night and fill out the FAFSA form online. (do not mail until after Jan 1st) FAFSA can be completed online for free at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov



q       Deadlines for most college applications.

q       Check for or complete scholarship applications.

q       Complete financial aid application. FAFSA, Profile, etc�



q       Have mid-year reports been sent?

q       Check for or complete scholarship applications.

q       Last applications deadline.



q       Review your acceptances and financial aid offers with your decision.

q       Visit your college of choice.

q       Explore the colleges that have offered admission as thoroughly as possible.

q       Notify the colleges of your choice. Send Deposit.

q       Keep your counselor informed of your decisions and scholarships you have received.

q       Finalize plans for housing, financial aid and scholarships

q       Send thank you notes.